TBS Easy Fixed Assets - Version 7.0

TBS Easy Fixed Assets Version 7.0 is designed to help small and medium size companies track their fixed assed and calculate the depreciation expenses monthly for those fixed assets.  This version requires Microsoft Access (2019 or later) 64 bit to run (a free run time version of Microsoft Access is available from Microsoft - make sure to download the 64 bit version).

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This is the menu for the TBS Easy Fixed Assets program.  There are 3 columns - the first is for entering data into the program, the middle is for the steps required at month end and year end, and the 3rd column is for reports.

When first setting up the program, the recommended sequence to follow is Company, then GL Accounts, then Category (which requires GL Accounts), then Vendors, and then Assets.

On a monthly basis, you will need to Calculate Depreciation, print the Monthly Depreciation Report, then Post Monthly Depreciation.  If you spot errors in the report, you can fix the problem, the run the Calculation Depreciation again.  The report is designed to make entering the journal entry for depreciation expense easy

The Year End process sets the YTD Depreciation figure back to zero - it needs to be run after the last month of the fiscal year but before the first month end of the new fiscal year.

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This is the Asset Maintenance screen.  There are five user defined fields in the lower right (you set the field headings up in the Company maintenance screen). 

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